Dear Woman, Do You Know How Connected Your Worth Is To Your Creator?


Dear Woman,

You are a unique expression of our divine Creator, predestined, purposed and planned for His pleasure and glory. 

I love how God’s word emphasizes the beauty and worth of women from the onset of creation. God created everything and in the second chapter of Genesis, God recognized something missing in creation – women. God showed the significance of women as life-givers. 

The enemy has done everything in his power to damage our sense of self-worth by disconnecting us from our God and Creator. We will never know, understand, or realize our true worth apart from God. He is the very essence of life. All life exists because of Him. 

“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”

John 1:3-4

Life is the most beautiful thing on this planet. Flourishing life nourishes and delights the depths of our soul, while fading life often brings pain and sadness. It is no wonder that Satan and his kingdom of darkness spends their energy on damaging, with the intention of destroying, woman’s divine connection to the Life Giver who made her a life-giver. Our beauty and worth are found in connection to the Creator who imprinted us with His image. 

So God created man in His own image: in the image of God He created him:

male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them,

“Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it…

Genesis 1:27-28a



The first instruction God gave to human beings was to bring life to the earth in abundance, which directly connected to His own image. Eve, the first woman was identified as, “the Mother of all living.” (Genesis 3:20) What an identity! The God and Creator of all life made her the mother of all life and every woman throughout all human existence carried on that identity as life-givers. That in itself is only one very significant aspect of the worth and value of each of us as women.

Then we see Sarah, the miraculous mother of the promised son, Isaac when her body was too old and worn out to give life, she gave life. God gave her a new name and identified her as the mother of nations. (Genesis 17:16) And yes, Sarah’s faith landed her a spot in the Hall of Faith, (Hebrews 11:11)

The Bible also recorded many other stories of women and how their lives impacted the world they lived in. The book of Esther tells the story of a young, ordinary, Jewish girl who eventually became a queen in a pagan nation. We never hear about how she gave life through child birth, but we do hear how she was a life-giver to her people, the Jewish nation. God used her to protect and save the entire Jewish nationality. 

Maybe at this point, you are thinking you can’t relate because Esther was somehow special since she became a queen. Surely this was God-ordained and that is why Esther made such a huge impact on human history. I concede that you have a point. However, there are other women’s stories recorded in Scripture who you might say were more ordinary, but you and I still read their stories for encouragement today; i.e. Rahab. 


Women of Faith and Action

Rahab was a prostitute with enough faith in the Lord and fear of the Lord to serve Him and honor Him by saving the life of two men which eventually landed her in the lineage of Christ (Matthew 1:5) and the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11:31). What encouragement to the worth and value of women, even a woman with a ugly and unclean past. Thank you Jesus! That is good news to me! 

Deborah, another woman in the Old Testament, as prophet and judge, led the nation of Israel when no man would step up and do the job. So many more in the Old Testament, but I want to turn our attention to the New Testament as well. 

First, and most well-known would be Mary, the Mother of Jesus. While we see Mary as special and chosen, because she was, we also must remember how ordinary Mary was. Yet still, the One True God chose her for His divine purpose to bring the gift of life to the world, through her Son and God’s Son, Jesus. And then we have Mary and Martha who were Jesus’ friends and experienced Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life when He responded to their cries and raised their brother from the dead. They interceded for their brother and because of their intercession, Lazarus lived again. 

We cannot leave out the story of Mary anointing Jesus with fragrant oil. What seemed like a minimal action made by an impulsive, unscrupulous woman, in truth was monumental. Jesus said, 

“For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial.

Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, will also be told as a memorial to her.”

Matthew 26:12-13


God Values Women

When men looked on her with criticism and disdain, Jesus elevated her with love and honor. He valued her and her affection for Him, and we are still talking about her these two thousand years later. Just an ordinary woman, saved and delivered from a past with an affection for the One who held her future. 

There are so many more biblical stories of women we could look at to see how God values women, but today is no different. God values women, and God values you. Like the biblical women we looked at today, you too have a divine destiny, beauty, value, and worth that is unique to you. 

Dear woman, God created you in His own image and breathed His very own breath into you. He shaped exactly how He wanted you to be, and He knows the numbers of hairs on your head, whether a good hair day or bad hair day. God created you with DNA and fingerprints that are like no other person in this world. And if God knows when a sparrow falls to the ground, His word says you are of much more value than many sparrows. 

Read Psalm 33:13-15

Dear Woman of God,

With all of these amazing stories of how God honored and valued women, the ultimate picture of our worth was displayed in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of our God and King Jesus. The fact that Jesus left heaven with the sole purpose of bringing the gift of everlasting life to us even when it cost Him everything, presents our divine worth like nothing else can. 

Whether young or old, you are God’s marvelous handiwork. You are created to display God’s beauty and glory worth in and through your life in the way that only your life, your personality, your characteristics, your traits, your experiences, your place and position can fulfill. Live today knowing God chose you to be His intentional finishing touch, not an addition because things did not work out like He thought. He planned you with value, beauty, and divine purpose! 

My Challenge

Look in the mirror and declare, “I am beautiful and valuable because my identity is connected to my Creator. He imprinted me with His very own image and planned me for a purpose. Creation would be lacking without me.” If the words seem to stick in your throat, ask God to help you understand how He values you. 

Much love and blessings to you Dear Woman,