Answering Your Personal Value Question: Do I Really Matter


The Value Question

Have you ever wondered if you really matter or if your work and what you are doing really matters? If God even hears your prayers? I have asked these questions many times in my life. Most of us have asked those questions at some point in life.  Many women share their struggle to answer this question affirmatively.

My personal value question has often centered around my work and ministry. But I can’t say that I haven’t also searched for significance in other areas such as relationships and possessions. Honestly, in my own pursuit of significance and finding my worth, if I thought something had potential for a noteworthy outcome, I probably tried it or considered trying it.  

Many of you might also acknowledge a desire to know that at the end of it all, your life counted. Therefore, we relentlessly pursue to answer the value question, “Do I really matter?” In our pursuit, we often feel like a hamster on a wheel running, running, and running only to end up in the exact same place. 

Then we get off the wheel, and sink into the depths of discouragement because we can’t see a result. The lack of a physical result assures us that all was for nothing; therefore, we or our work must not be valuable. And for some of us the result or lack of result is directly attached to our perception of our value and worth. 


The Truth About Our Value


The truth is, we all have a God-instilled, deep, inner need to know we are valued and valuable. God wired that need for significance into our DNA. However, as we humans often do, we get sideways. We get off center and out of balance. 

And of course, the spiritual enemy of our soul does his best to make sure that we don’t answer our personal value question affirmatively. He works in our circumstances and taunts our minds with doubt to get us to answer the question, DO I REALLY MATTER? with a “NO”. However, our answer is not found in what the enemy says, but in what God says. Jesus answers our value question in the gospels if we accept His answer as true. 

God says, Yes, dear one, You matter! I value you! 

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Matthew 6:26

Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Matthew 10:31

Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep?

Matthew 12:12a

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Luke 12:7

Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds?

Luke 12:24

So If Your Question is: Do I Really Matter? I submit to you that God says “Yes!”

God’s Message Throughout His Word

Not only do the gospels record Jesus speaking directly of our worth, but God imposed the same message all throughout His word. 

For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and have crowned him with glory and honor.

Psalm 8:5

Most scholars agree that the terminology used in Psalm 8:5 in the original Hebrew language actually stated that God created man a little lower than Himself. Plus, God chose to crown us with glory and honor. In other words, God created us extremely, hugely, extraordinarily significant! And, every voice that speaks otherwise, is a liar!


Does My Work Matter?

Maybe your question isn’t, Do I Really Matter, but you wonder if your work really matters. Your question might sound more like, Does anyone care or notice that I am working my rear end off? Are you working, hoping, and expecting a reward for your work someday? I have been there as well.

I have gone through seasons when I felt like my work in ministry did not matter. Thankfully, God has always positioned many wise counselors around me throughout my years serving Him in ministry. Obviously, He knew I would need them. One day I shared with one of my wise counselors how I struggled with feeling successful in my ministry. 

She talked to me about setting specific expectations and when my reality and outcome didn’t match my expectations then I experienced disappointment, and at its worst, discouragement. My wise counselor reminded me of what I already know and what I would have told anyone else. She said, “Pat, you have to give your results in ministry over to God. Give Him your expectations and let Him bring about the results He wants.” 

I knew she was right, but I really had not thought about it quite like that. I pray and ask God to anoint and bless the work of my hands and the words of my mouth, but I don’t know if I had consciously given over my expectations regarding my work to God. Giving Jesus my expectations of specific results in ministry takes the pressure off and gives me a freedom to simply love and serve Jesus out of my love for Him and my relationship with Him. 

Find Your Worth in God’s Word

Whether our struggle is about personal worth or the value of our work, I believe it all ties in together. What we believe makes all the difference. Where we cast our anchor matters. This world, people, results in our work, circumstances (good or bad) will never answer our value question. But God does over and over again. From the moment mankind steps onto the stage in Genesis to the final period of Revelation, God speaks of and demonstrates our true value. 

I want to encourage you to take Your value question to God. Every time you open His word ask Him, “Lord show me how You value me.” Take God’s word into your heart and mind personally and allow Him to build you up and strengthen you. Find your security in God and His love for you. You matter. He hears you and sees you. God sees your work and values your work. The best news of all is: He instilled value in you because He values you. 

Dear Sister, You are God’s valuable treasure!