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Building Godly Friendships Can Strengthen Us And Make Us Happier

The Reward of Building Godly Friendships


The older I get I recognize the gift and treasure of friendship, but even more so godly friendship. God created us to be in relationship, not only with Him, but with one another. We all need friends as we go through the joys, challenges, and trials of life.


“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 

not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, 

but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:24-25


We need each other. One reason God built the church was for believers to come together and be encouraged by one another. We need the kind of encouragement that comes through godly relationships. 


This past week I traveled with a friend to visit other friends. My travel companion and I have been friends for at least twenty years. We both have a passion for teaching God’s word and for seeing others read and study the Bible. So, as you might imagine, much of our conversation focused on our Bible lessons we recently taught or were preparing to teach. 


She and I are both wives, mothers of adult children, and grandmothers. Because we share many commonalities, we find it easy to share the struggles we face in life, family, and ministry. And before the day ended, we shopped. What can you say? Girls gotta do, what girls gotta do.


Praying Friends 


My friend talked about receiving a text that week from another woman who told her how thankful she was to have godly friends like her who shared her passion for Jesus and prayed for her. Godly friends are more valuable to a walk with Jesus than we might think at first glance. I think all friends are valuable, but godly friends who share our values and beliefs and understand the power of praying for one another takes friendship to another level. 

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I belong to a group of women who meet weekly to pray. The group began because a few moms needed some like-life and like-minded women to gather with and pray for their mostly adult children. We call ourselves, the Praying Mamas. 


I love this group because we are friends, sisters-in-Christ, and we really pray. And we have seen the result of those prayers. Miracles of healing. Miracles of deliverance. Salvation. Help. Health. Joy. Peace. Strength. Courage. Encouragement. And so much more.


There is something so strengthening when we have people who love us praying for us. I believe that we can actually feel the prayers lighten our load, lift us up, and yes, even make us happier. 



Paul Experienced the Power of Praying Friends


Acts 14 tells about Paul and Barnabas preaching the gospel in Iconium and many people believing in Jesus. It also shows us the opposition they faced because of unbelievers.


Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, 

they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead. 

However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. 

And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.

Acts 14:19-20


Paul’s opposition stoned him and left him for dead. But the disciples, his godly friends gathered around him. I believe they prayed for him and spoke healing and life into him at a crucial point in his life. A point when he could have gone either way. 


Can you imagine the words spoken in that inner circle of godly friends? 

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“Thank You Jesus for the life that is in Paul. Hey Paul, get up man, you are going to make it. Thank you, Jesus that no weapon formed against Paul will prosper. Come on Paul, we’ve got places to go, people to save. God has a plan and He is not done with you yet! Thank you, Jesus that by Your stripes Paul was healed.”


Maybe their words were different, but I cannot help but believe that these followers of Jesus and friends of Paul’s prayed for him and that their words impacted his life and caused him to rise up and keep going. 


Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.  For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.  Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12


Jesus loves us so much that He gives us godly brothers and sisters in Christ to lift us up when we are too down and out to do it on our own. 


I hope you have some God-ordained friendships, some inner circle friends, sisters in Christ who will stand in the gap and pray for you when you need it. And I hope you are a friend like that too! Your loving words, your prayers, and your time have the potential to impact those around you and make an eternal difference. 


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If You Need Godly Friendships, Pray for Godly Friends


Ask God to give you godly friendships and for Him use you in their life to encourage them in a way that lasts a lifetime and impacts their eternity. Pray that He gives you friends loyal to God and to you, and that God’s love rules in their hearts. As you seek God for these friendship, remember to ask Him to make you a golden rule kind of friend who treats them as you want to be treated. That is the kind of friendship that will makes a difference and stands strong when the storms of life blow. 


I also encourage you to pray that God gives your husbands and children godly friendships because they need the value and benefits of godly friends as well. 


Finally, always give thanks to God for those precious treasures of friendships that He brings into your life. 


Have a blessed and beautiful day in Jesus!


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