Jesus Was Always There

Jesus was Always there

At this point in my life, I know that Jesus was always there with me.


The two words, “Always there” speak of an absolute and true element of God’s character.


When I think back throughout my life, I first remember my early childhood and many precious memories of my life at church. My parents took me to church every Sunday morning, Sunday evening, every Wednesday, and if there was any other reason to go to church any other day of the week, we were there. If the church was open, we were always there.


Many times when I speak at a church or for a women’s group, they ask me to share my testimony. And I often joke that my parents stopped by the church on the way home from the hospital after my birth to show me where I would spend half my life growing up. Because, I did.


Growing Up In Church – Jesus Was Always There


I REMEMBER growing up in GA’s (a youth program for girls), singing in youth choir, and peeling the paint off the bathroom door. As a little girl every Sunday morning, I sat between my mama and daddy next to the stained-glass window with the praying hands. Throughout the sermon, my daddy would rub the palm of my hand. I also remember my pretty dresses, the white leather gloves, and white patent leather purse and shoes that only came out on Sunday.


Of course, I remember the Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, music pastors and senior pastors who touched my life. And I loved the summers away at youth camp. How many times did I have to walk around the table with my food tray because I was caught with my elbows on the table. One year I received the Willing Victim Award at youth camp because I excelled at walking into the trap of someone else’s prank. Never realizing that I was about to be their next victim.


And one night vividly etched in my mind, is the night I walked down the dirt aisle at summer camp to accept Jesus as my savior and 2 weeks later got baptized in “Big Church.”


When I think back to all those memories, I know Jesus was always there with me in all those moments.


But, my life took a major detour in my early teens.


I experienced a traumatic event at age 13. This event shook the early foundation my parents instilled in me and started me down a path that took me far from God. The next seventeen years of my life was a series of bad decisions that I made based on a faulty belief system.


Don’t misunderstand me, everything that happened in my life wasn’t bad. I had two beautiful daughters and a family that never stopped loving me. That was definitely good!


Another good thing was that even in the darkest times and places in my life, Jesus was always there. He did not leave me when I left Him. In the early days when I was loved, guided, and protected, Jesus was always there. Then when my life took a dark path, Jesus was still always there.


I did not realize Jesus was always there while I lived in darkness.


However, when I came back to Jesus at 30 years old and started a new journey with Him as my Lord and Savior, I began to know Him. I stayed in the Bible and learned His character and nature. Jesus became someone I spent a great deal of time with through prayer, reading His word, at church, and listening to preaching and teaching.


At some point I realized that Jesus was always there because I began to know His voice. As I looked back over the years of bad decisions, sin, and a broken messed up life, I recognized His voice calling me in the dark.


I remember the night of the traumatic event and the next few weeks. Jesus kept calling me. I was sure I was too big of a mess for Him to truly want me. But, Jesus was always there.


Then at 16, I got pregnant, got married, had a miscarriage, and got a divorce in less than one year. I look back now, and I remember His voice, calling me. But out of shame because of the failed and sinful life I lived, I rejected His offer. But, Jesus was always there.


On this side of the darkness, I realize Jesus was always there. I could list every messed-up moment during that time and tell you that when I look back, there is not a doubt in my mind that Jesus was always there.


I don’t know who this is for.


Maybe you are in a dark place. It might not be sin, but we all know, that we can go through dark seasons when we aren’t living in sin. And many times, the dark seasons taint our ability to see, feel, or experience God’s presence. However, what we see, feel, or experience doesn’t always illustrate the truth.


Here is the truth.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them,

for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5b


And I absolutely love the Passion Translation of Isaiah 54:10:


Even if the mountains were to crumble and the hills disappear, my heart of steadfast, faithful love will never leave you and my covenant of peace with you will never be shaken,” says Yahweh, whose love and compassion will never give up on you.

Isaiah 54:10

God is not only with you, but God Will Help You too!

If you are not in a dark place, I know there’s a possibility that someone you love dearly is. I have also lived that. If that is your situation, I imagine you spent countless hours praying for the one you love so much.  But often times, all we see is the sin, the bad decisions, and the messed-up life.


Even though your loved one may not realize they are hearing Jesus call to them, He is. Especially in the darkest time, Jesus is always there, calling his or her name, extending His hand, saying, “Come.” As Isaiah 54:10 says, His love will not give up on them!

This song tells what God did for me and my loved one! 

Pat Domangue