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Featured Book
DIG Bible Study Book
DIG: Digging Into God’s Word is a six-week women’s “how to” study the Bible study. DIG is filled with practical tools and guidance that can change your Bible study and transform you, your life, and your world. DIG is for the woman who feels she needs help and guidance in going beyond simply reading the Bible, but studying and understanding the Bible.
DIG Bible Study Book
DIG: Digging Into God’s Word is a six-week women’s “how to” study the Bible study. DIG is filled with practical tools and guidance that can change your Bible study and transform you, your life, and your world. DIG is for the woman who feels she needs help and guidance in going beyond simply reading the Bible, but studying and understanding the Bible.
$19.95 + shipping
Equipped & Empowered Bible Study Book
Equipped and Empowered: Preparing Women for Spiritual Battle is a seven-week Bible study designed to prepare women for the spiritual battle. This study takes women down gold-paved streets to know God and down the enemy’s dusty barren path equipping them with the necessary knowledge for the spiritual battle and empowering them to live a victorious life in Christ.
Quest for Wholeness Book
Quest for Wholeness: Healing the Broken is a seven-week women’s Bible study that paves the road for Christian women to experience a life healed and whole through practical teaching of faith and the trustworthiness of God.
$10.00 + shipping
ebook & digital bundle studies
Colossians and The Cosmic Christ Bible Study E-book + Digital Study Bundle
Colossians and the Cosmic Christ Bible study is a 5-week guided study through the New Testament book of Colossians. This study teaches practical “how to” study methods to help the student of God’s Word learn to dig and study Scripture for themselves. The study will lead students to take away applicable truths for everyday living. This study is available online only. – 5 weeks of teaching and 4 weeks of personal study.
Journey Through Philippians Bible Study E-book + Digital Study Bundle
Journey Through Philippians is a four-week in-depth, guided personal study through the New Testament book of Philippians. This study shows how to read, study, learn, and understand books of the Bible that would be classified as letters. We strive to answer the questions of who, what, why, and where. These answers direct us to understand the meaning intended for the original audience and help us determine how that same meaning can be applied to our everyday lives. – 5 weeks of teaching and 4 weeks of personal study.
Not Home Yet Bible Study E-book + Digital Study Bundle
Not Home Yet: A Glimpse Into Revelation’s Treasures is a seven-week women’s Bible study overviewing Revelation and its key topics. Not Home Yet helps women discover the treasures in Revelations that can be applied to their lives and current situations.
Words Matter Bible Study Teachings E-Book + Digital Study Bundle
Words Matter: The Process And Product of Words is a women’s Bible study written and led by Pat Domangue and Taylor Draughn. The book study is 5 weeks long and the class time is 6 weeks long. Pat’s daughter, Taylor brings her expertise and counseling perspective to the pages and the class of this Bible study. The crux of this study is: Change your words. Change your life. The study helps us heal from past wounds, overcome barriers, and learn to speak words of life so that we can live empowered, victorious lives. – 6 weeks of teaching and 5 weeks of personal study