Hey Super Woman, Are You Tired Of Living Frustrated?

Hey Super Woman! Are You Tired Of Living Frustrated?

Tired of living frustrated? 


Most of the time we are living frustrated because we are trying to be Super Woman. 


Here is how I define Super Woman: 


1) metaphorically: One who is able to do it all; 

2) one who thinks she is able to do it all; 

3) one who thinks she should be able to do it all; 

4) one who tries to do it all and ends up frustrated and overwhelmed. 


Which one of the definitions do you find most identifies you? I definitely fall into the definitions 3 and 4 category. I realize I am not able to do it all. However, I want to and I usually don’t see why I can’t do it all. So, I try, try, try, and end up living frustrated and overwhelmed. 


Ever been there?


Super Woman Before Super Woman Existed

Her name is Martha. Let’s walk through a character study of Martha. You can read her story in John 11:1-42; John 12:1-2; and Luke 10:38-42


Key Points of Martha’s Character: 


1.    Martha was a caregiver to her brother Lazarus. (John 11:3)


She and her sister, Mary sought Jesus’ help on behalf of their brother. I imagine Martha was the driving force behind their visit. Her go-get-it personality would have seen a problem and worked to do whatever it took to fix the problem.


2.    Martha was loved by Jesus. (John 11:5) 


I believe Martha knew Jesus loved her. That is why she was so comfortable and confident in seeking His help and intervention. 


3.    Martha loved and mourned her brother. (John 11:19) 


Not only did Martha love and care for her brother in his time of sickness leading up to his death, she mourned him in his death. She had a heart of tenderness and love underneath the strong, get-it-done exterior. 


4.    Martha didn’t hesitate to address whatever needed to be dealt with. (John 11:20)

John noted that “as soon as she heard Jesus was coming,” Martha went to meet Jesus. Think about her situation and personality so far. She knew what needed to happen so she went and tried to make it happen. But Jesus didn’t do his part. He waited until it was too late. Jesus showed up four days after Lazarus’ death. What was He thinking?! Even Jesus had Martha living frustrated!


5.    Martha confronts Jesus. (John 11:21) 


Martha speaks her mind. Sometimes confrontation is a necessary part of life even if she preferred it not be. However, when things were not done as they should have been (her perspective), she felt the need to address the situation. Martha, the go-getter got things done. She was the kind of woman who wanted to make sure everyone else got things done as well. What a set-up for living frustrated! 


6.    Martha had great faith. (John 11:22-27) 


Many people might be deterred when facing death, but not Martha. Listen to her words of faith spoken to Jesus after addressing where He fell short in healing her brother. But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You." I believe Jesus loved her and her boldness and tenacity.  And I am sure He was delighted with her level of faith. Remember Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please Him... Faith pleases God. 


7.    Martha influenced people to do what needed to be done. (John 11:28-29)


Martha’s sister, Mary had a different personality. She needed prodding, an extra level of motivation regarding this serious situation. Relationship motivated Mary and Martha’s motivation was the task at hand. So Martha took matters into her own hands and told Mary Jesus wanted to see her. 


8.    Martha did not wait for Jesus to enter the city. (John 11:30)


A super woman never wastes time. If Martha lived today, she would have always been in a hurry. She would have justified exceeding speed limits to get to her next appointment. She would have missed relationships because she prioritized the task. 


9.    Martha was concerned with the details. (John 11:39) 


Jesus came to do a miracle and I am pretty sure from Jesus and Martha’s conversation, Martha wondered if a miracle was coming. However, there were details that needed to be addressed. Jesus needed to think about the details before He just started raising the dead. For goodness sake, Lazarus had been dead for 4 days. If they opened the tomb, it was going to stink to high heaven! 


I love Jesus’ response, "Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" I think Jesus was saying, “Listen Super Woman, I’ve got this. I can raise the dead and keep it from stinking!” 


10. Martha was a servant. (John 12:1-2; Luke 10:40)


Serving was her strength. But an out of control strength can become a weakness. Martha was a super woman, but a go-getter like her can dangerously teeter on the edge of a cliff of living frustrated.


11. Martha needed Jesus to guide her in managing her super woman strength. (Luke 10:41)


Martha’s lesson to us all comes down to this. Martha had so many great traits and qualities, so much going for her, and we do too. We might be that super woman, accomplishing many things, wearing our many hats as women, serving our husbands, children, jobs, family, friends, churches…But, if we are not letting Jesus guide us in all our serving and working, we too may find we fall off the cliff into the valley of living frustrated. 


How to keep from falling off the living frustrated cliff: Follow Jesus’ encouragement to Martha. 


“Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.

But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part,

which will not be taken from her.”

Luke 10:40-41


Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus. So dear sister, we have the same opportunity as Martha to follow Jesus’ encouragement and stop living frustrated. 


Every morning give your day and agenda to Jesus asking His guidance throughout every detail. Even if morning isn’t your best time for real focused time with Jesus, taking a few minutes to focus your attention and affection on Jesus. That few minutes with Jesus breathes refreshment into your spirit before you day begins. Give the details of your day over to Jesus. 


As you go throughout your day, seek moments to turn your focus on Jesus. Stop. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Pray. Sing. Worship. And ask Jesus for His continued presence and guidance once again. 


Finally, don’t forget to plan some time whether morning, afternoon, evening, or night where you sit at Jesus’ feet as Martha’s sister Mary. 

If you can’t see a way out of living frustrated, read my past blog post, God Will Help Me! Do You Believe That? .

Pat Domangue