Equipped and Empowered
Preparing Women for Spiritual Battle is an eight-week Bible study designed to prepare women for the spiritual battles in their life.
Do you ever feel like you are in a battle?
The reality is YOU ARE!
The spiritual battle is real. As God's women, we will all experience the heat of the battle. We may feel it at home, at work, with friends or family. But the reality is, at some point in life the battle becomes very REAL to us.
Equipped and Empowered is filled with biblical knowledge that prepares women for spiritual battle and helps them learn how to live victoriously.
I'll show you how God works in the spiritual battle, the dangers and deceptions Satan uses, and how to identify personal strengths and weaknesses.
During this study you will learn:
How God works in the spiritual battle
Dangers and deceptions Satan uses
How to identify your personal strengths and weaknesses
Basic elements of biblical knowledge needed to defeat Satan
How to live victoriously
Hey there, I'm Pat Domangue!
This is why I wrote Equipped and Empowered:
Spiritual defeat is a relevant problem we must face and conquer. After years of struggling to experience spiritual well-being and victory, I discovered basic Scriptural principles applicable to my real-life circumstances. This study grew from my desire to help women live victorious lives and to shield them from the enemy’s crafty, yet predictable, onslaught.
The hard reality is...too many Christian women are living defeated lives.
Many are defeated because they don’t recognize the work of Satan, others for lack of biblical knowledge, and some do not know how to apply biblical principles to their personal situations.
The truth is evil influences bombard our senses every day.
Equipped and Empowered identifies characteristics of the enemy, the Lord, and dangers and deceptions common to women. Equipped and Empowered prepares Christian women to be ready when evil knocks equipping and empowering them to live victorious.
When you purchase Equipped & Empowered you will receive…
Your Bible Study book. You'll receive your physical book in the mail in 5-7 business days after purchase.
Weekly downloadable audio files. You'll receive the downloadable audio mp3 file for each week's lesson in the member's area.
Weekly video teachings. You will receive access to the full live video teaching for each week's lesson.
Weekly downloadable study guides. You'll receive weekly printable study guides to guide you through your weekly lesson.
Weekly guided study content. For each week you'll receive an introduction and my intention for your journey for that week's lesson.
During our 8 weeks together we will cover…
Each week has five days of study requiring an average of fifteen minutes a day.
Week One
Establishing the Nature of the Battle
The study begins with the basic premise that there is a spiritual battle. Today’s woman is facing an enraged enemy who knows his demise is sure.
Week Two
Know the enemy
This week focuses on knowing the enemy and how he works. His character and strategies are recognizable. He is a liar, a tempter, and an accuser and excels in disguising himself.
Week Three
Know the Lord
Knowing the Lord as Savior is foundational to living a victorious life. He has specific traits that help the young woman trust in His provision and strength in the spiritual battle.
Week Four
Know Who You Are
Each Christian has strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing personal weaknesses and the power of a Holy Spirit-led life are two vital components of victorious living.
Week Five
Lies we Believe
The enemy uses crafty methodology to draw people into believing his lies. His deception began in the Garden of Eden with the lie that God was holding out on His children.
Week Six
God’s Armour for Women (Part 1)
The scriptural basis for the last two weeks is Ephesians 6:10-18. Each day emphasizes an aspect of God’s armor.
Week Seven
God’s Armour for Women (Part 2)
The final week focuses on the rest of the armor, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. The enemy uses doubt and a lack of knowledge to hinder believers.
Week Eight: Words of Wisdom (Concluding Teaching Session)
I want you to know that you are why I do what I do. When I see women get into God’s Word and taste and see His goodness enough that they stay all the way to the end of a Bible study, it blesses my soul! I’m not just saying it. I meant it with all my heart! Bible study sisters are like no other!
Equipped and Empowered is my 3rd bible study with Pat. AMAZING!!!!! Her writing style is easy to follow and full of nuggets for us to learn & grow in our walk with our Lord. With the end of each one I can't wait for the next to start!! If you are looking for a great study that doesn't take a tremendous time commitment (we are all WAY TOO busy!!), this is the one for you. When you are done you will have a fresh word & everyday reminders of how to recognize the ploys of the enemy & overcome his traps that lead us down a path we don't really want to go. "We war not against flesh & blood...." this study helps us each remember that on a daily basis when life happens.
- Dana Milford
Since my first bible study with Pat Domangue, My Maker and Me, my life has been forever changed! This bible study is just the icing on my enlighten cake!! If you want a deep, meaningful relationship with our Heavenly Father, the Great I AM, then this is the study for you! I pray you are as blessed by this study as I have been!
- Coronda Williams
How much does it cost?
Equipped and Empowered
Book Only
Includes Hard Copy Book.
***Not including shipping
Equipped & Empowered is perfect for you if…
You are ready to live your life victoriously in Christ.
Are ready to defeat the enemy in any spiritual battle you encounter.
Are ready to apply biblical principles to your personal situations and life.
Got Questions?
Here are a few things that my clients and customers ask, along with my responses!
What place should I be in on my spiritual journey to join this study?
The Equipped and Empowered study is a stroll down gold-paved streets on a quest to know God and a journey down the enemy’s dusty barren path. Equipped and Empowered prepares women for spiritual battle and helps them learn how to live victorious.
What makes Equipped and Empowered different than other studies that I have joined in the past?
Equipped and Empowered reaches below the surface – causing the reader to examine self and Scripture – while most studies are written with minimal time requirements only skim the surface of Scripture and life issues. Equipped and Empowered is basic and simple, yet rich and meaningful. It equips the reader with the necessary knowledge to live a victorious life in Christ.
What can I expect to learn after the program is over?
Equipped and Empowered meshes traditional Bible study with fictional stories that teach you how to apply God’s Word in real-life situations. As a Christian woman, you will be ready when evil knocks so you can win the spiritual battle to live victorious.