Worshipping God: Following The Humility Of Solomon

Worshipping God Following The Humility of Solomon

Worshipping God is probably not the first thing we think about when we think about Solomon. Most of us probably agree that the trait Solomon was known for was wisdom. Maybe his famed wisdom points to the reason that Solomon worshipped God. Wise men and women worship God!


Let’s think about bowing down and worshipping from the perspective of an earthly king. Most earthly kings may be accustomed to such a position, but maybe not from the stand point of the one doing the bowing.


Think about the power and prestige of an earthly king. People esteem earthly kings. Many serve them and give them gifts. They have lots of “yes” men and women at their fingertips, ready to do their beck and call for various reasons. Throughout history some earthly kings demanded their “subjects” to worship them.


“Yes” men and women may, in a metaphorical sense, bow down and worship. 


Some of these “yes” men and women may be motivated by personal gain, seeing service to the king as a benefit toward their own personal agenda. Some may serve from sheer respect and loyalty. Whatever the case, an earthly king would be accustomed to getting his way and being the one bowed down to.


While studying about King Solomon, I was amazed at the wealth, the admiration, the prestige, and fame afforded Solomon during his reign. However, when I read how King Solomon bowed down and worshipped God before all of Israel, I was even more amazed.


Then Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the assembly of Israel, and spread out his hands (for Solomon had made a bronze platform five cubits long, five cubits wide, and three cubits high, and had set it in the midst of the court; and he stood on it, knelt down on his knees before all the assembly of Israel, and spread out his hands toward heaven.

2 Chronicles 6:12-13



Picture King Solomon Worshipping God


What a statement King Solomon made! This majestic king dropped down to his knees and lifted his hands in surrender, acknowledging before all his kingdom that there was One greater than he. He led his people to honor God as he bent his knee to bow down and worshipped God, the only One truly worthy.


… He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

1 Timothy 6:15

Solomon chose to bow down and worship his Lord and King.


Solomon was considered to be the wisest man who ever lived. If the wisest man who ever lived, chose to bow down and worship, we too should follow his lead and bow down and worship.


Let’s step aside for just a moment to define and understand worship.


  • Worship in the original Hebrew language of the Old Testament primarily means means to bow down. Another definition for worship means to prostrate oneself… to humbly beseech.


Something powerful happens when worshipping God. Connection happens because worship is about focus. When we humble ourselves and worship in spirit and truth, everything else in our lives dims for that space of time. Here, our focus rests on God.


Are you living a “worshipping God” kind of life?


Have you acknowledged that He is greater and that there is none like Him? Today would be a great day to take that posture of humility and choose to bow down and worship God. We can simply worship for who He is, the Son of God: The True Identity and Divinity of Jesus,  Or, we can worship Him for all the ways He has worked in our life. Either way, He deserves our worship!


Just in case we need a reminder, ultimately there will be a day where the choice is not available any longer. Our real choice is whether or not we choose to bow on this side of eternity.


Because a day is coming when, all will bow down and worship God.


Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, of those on earth, and of those under the earth.

Philippians 2:9-10


For it is written:

 “As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me,

and every tongue confess to God.”

Romans 14:11


Worshipping God is not only about a posture of the body, but a posture of the heart. However, I think there is a strong connection with the two. I have a dear friend and sister in Christ who says that getting on her knees during her prayer time helps her stay focused and prevents her mind from wandering.


That is a very practical tip we can all use when we struggle with our mind wandering when we are trying to pray.


Here is a prayer for you to help you live a lifestyle worshipping God:

Precious Heavenly Daddy,

Help me to live my life as a true worshipper. Let every detail of my life be permeated with the awareness of You. Give me a deep inner awareness of all You have done for me. Help me to walk by Your Spirit and live by Your truth. Make me a person who lives to worship You on bended knees with a humble heart. I pray this in Jesus’ holy name. Amen! 

Pat Domangue